Nebraska Eagle Viewing ====================== Two of the best places to view eagles in the central U.S. are in Nebraska. The Kingsley eagle viewing center at Lake McConaughy on the North Platte river has documented 381 bald eagles all visible from the center at the same time. The J-2 Viewing center near Lexington, NE has a record of 63 eagles. Both sites provide viewing scopes and hosts and both have photography blinds. The picture of bald eagles in the recent Nat'l Geographic story on the endangered species act (March, 1995) was taken from the Kingsley viewing center. Bald eagles have nested successfully in 1993, 1994, and 1995 in Nebraska. In 1994 and 1995 five nests were successful in producing fledged young. On the average, Nebraska accounts for about 12% of the lower 48 states' wintering bald eagle population. For more information contact Mark Peyton, Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District. Gothenburg, NE. 69138.