================================================= *** R O C K Y M O U N T A I N H I G H *** ================================================= The John Denver Internet Fan Club Monthly Newsletter February 2002 Editor: Emily M. Parris ================================================= http://www.rockymtnhigh.org * emily@sky.net ================================================= Table of Contents February 2002 * Issue #94 John Denver Events..............................2 "Lectures Focus on the 70's" by Marilyn Poon - Aspen Times................3 John Denver Stories Stephanie Dubick's Aspen Ski Trip.............4 Tom Crum - John's Friend Tom's Speech from John's Memorial Service.....4 "For Tom Crum" by Karen D'Attilo..............6 John Denver Notes...............................7 John Denver on the Radio - Correspondence Susan Leaver..................................7 Jean Kendle...................................8 Poetry Corner: "John's Song" by Ron Matthews.................8 John Denver Want Ads............................9 * * * Computer Held Hostage: Huge Ice Storm Hits Kansas City, Missouri On January 28, 2002 a wintry storm came through Kansas City coating all the trees with ice. The next day an icy rain and wind made matters worse and the trees began breaking under the strain of all the ice. They fell on power lines. Thousands of people in the city were without electricity or heat. At our house we were without heat or power for 7 days and the Rocky Mountain High Newsletter was held hostage in my powerless computer. That's why this newsletter is late. For a complete, day-by-day report of the storm write to emily@sky.net and ask for the ICE STORM story. ======================================= J O H N D E N V E R E V E N T S ======================================= February 3, 2002 * Austin, TX * Reception celebrating completion of the John Denver Nature Exhibit / Cottonwood Room at the Austin Nature Center 2:00-4:00pm info: aspenglo@texas.net (512) 912-0765 March 3, 2002 * "Let This Be A Voice" - PBS http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/denver/index.html March 16, 2002 - Altadena, CA - Launch of Phil Christie's new CD "Summerstown" at the Coffee Gallery Backstage 8:00pm Mike Valentine will also appear. Reservations: (626) 398-7917 http://www.philchristie.com March 21, 2002 - April 27, 2002 * Denver, CO * World Premiere of a new musical by Peter Glazer "Almost Heaven" / A Denver Center World Premiere / Stage Theatre / http://www.dcpa.org (Discounted tickets for the March 28 performance are available through Colorado Friends of JD - Contact Evelyn Pinney ) Single tickets go on sale February 3, 2002. March 22, 2002 Steve Gillette in performance - Culver City, CA Boulevard Music 8:00pm $15 - (co-writer of "Darcy Farrow") (310) 398-2583 http://www.sover.net/~gillette/index.html April 5-7, 2002 * Sedona, AZ * Journey to Center, Turning conflict into powerful relationships; presented by Thomas Crum. First Light Huger Foundation (602) 728-0710 firstlight@qwest.net April 13, 2002 * Arvada, CO / Pomona High School / John Adams benefit concert for the Front Range Center for Assault Prevention-Child Assault Prevention Project / Tickets $20 303-266-9019 / (303) 673-9558 http://www.geocities.com/childassaultprevention April 20, 2000 * 11:00-3:00 4th Annual Earth Day Celebration / Ram's Head Tavern / Annapolis, MD / www.ramsheadtavern.com Mack Bailey, Chris Westfall, Side by Side and Rachel Bissex $30 includes buffet lunch and donation to Kids F.A.C.E. Check to: Ann Schnitz c/o P.O. Box 483 / Lionville, PA 19355 May 3-5, 202 John Denver Spring Retreat - Lebanon, PA at Camp Gretna Glen. JD Fellowship and inspiration. $50 due by April 1, 2002. Pat Liddic June 28 & 29, 2002 "A Tribute to John Denver: The Man and His Music, 2002, Hibernia County Park - 4 miles North of Coatesville, PA / Info: Judith http://www.judithgabriel.com October 12 & 13, 2002 - 4th Annual John Denver Celebration / Salida, Colorado http://www.johndenverlegacy.com Christine Smith 1-719-942-9620 * * * "Lectures Focus on the 70's" by Marilyn Poon / Special to the "Aspen Times" The wild and crazy times in Aspen during the 1970's have become the stuff of legends. And with that in mind, Heritage Aspen, Aspen's Historical Society, is planning a series of five lectures that will focus on "Aspen, America in the 1970's." The series will run from February 19 to March 19 this winter. "It's a departure from what we used to be," said Diana Mercer, education program coordinator of Heritage Aspen. Mercer worked with Executive Director Grace Gary to formulate this winter's lecture series. Past winter and summer lecture series focused on the mining and Victorian aspect of Aspen's heritage. But this year Heritage Aspen is aiming to generate interest in contemporary and modern history. This series will engage a number of guest speakers in an exploration of the historical, cultural, social and political contexts of the memorable decade. In one of the five lectures, John Denver's business manager and best friend, Hal Thau, will give a slide-show presentation about John Denver in the 1970's in Aspen. The world famous singer, television and film star, and leader of peace movements, was quoted in The Aspen Times in 1989, saying, "So much of my luck and success have been inspired and sustained by my home, which is the world...and my community, which is Aspen." The lectures will be held every Tuesday night, from 4 to 6pm at the Aspen Physics Institute. For more information, call 925-3721 _____________________ The other lectures are * Senator Dianne Feinstein speaking about her experience as Mayor of San Francisco * Janet Guthrie speaking about her diverse background. * Landscape artist, Christo * "The Impact of the EST training on Aspen in the 1970's" Joe Edwards and June Kirkwood. * Ambassador Bruce Laingen speaking about his experience as a hostage in Tehran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ J O H N D E N V E R S T O R I E S +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stephanie Dubick's Aspen Ski Trip This past weekend I made a ski trip to Aspen and wanted to share a few JD moments. I skied Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Friday was Snowmass. The cirque lift was closed, so I didn't get to go down Rocky Mountain High, but I did ski Whispering Jesse. I sang the song all the way down, of course. After a day of skiing, I was walking around the Snowmass Village Mall, and as I was passing the Tower Restaurant, there was a man sitting on a balcony in the building next door and he started playing "Sunshine On My Shoulders." Very far out! On Saturday I went to Aspen Mountain. It was a little too hard for my abilities, but I had to go anyway. The Bell Mountain lift (Annie's Song) was closed, unfortunately. The second time I rode the gondola, as I got off, there was a recording of "Dreamland Express" being played but I didn't know whose voice it was - definitely not John's. But that was wonderful anyway. Sunday was Aspen Highlands in the morning where I saw my beloved Maroon Bells. It was over to Buttermilk in the afternoon - no JD moments at either of those, unfortunately, but there's a great view of Starwood from Buttermilk. So I successfully fit all four mountains into 3 days and had a blast. <<< * * * >>> TOM CRUM - John's Friend ======================== Tom Crum co-founded the Windstar Foundation with John. He spoke at John's Memorial Service in Aurora, Colorado and also at the one in Aspen. His words were inspiring... - * * * - Excerpts of Tom's Speech from the John Denver Memorial Service Faith Presbyterian Church / Aurora, Colorado October 17, 1997 "I'm Tom Crum. I have been a very close friend of John's for many years. I love John Denver and I am sorry that he died, but I am so very very happy that he lived. Even though I have tears up here, this is a time of celebration for this person's life. He was such a great spirit as you know. When he was in nature you could see it. When he was in nature, it didn't matter what he was doing, whether he was photographing flowers or skiing or running through the hills or fishing or flying, when he was in the wild land something happened to him. In nature there was that marriage, that bond that was so expressed in his music. He was like a little boy. He always had a little boy-like quality to him. I'm sure St Frances of Assisi would have been proud of how he was in nature and his music brings it to us. I don't care where we were, maybe, if there was a lagoon somewhere, if there was a waterfall or a cliff, he would jump in, he would jump off that cliff. Truly, we'd jump off the cliff, John would dive off the cliff. He went head-long into life. Zach & I were talking about that the other day with Anna Kate. He was full-throttle! As Annie said, he wanted to do everything, he wanted to do so much, the people he worked with and his family, we were in chaos around him, it was a mess. I mean, he wanted to do everything. Talk about a friend, there are just so many instances; We were helicopter skiing in British Columbia one time and I went off a cliff, not on purpose, and I hit the snow and that gave way and I went under a tree-well and John found me. You see, bottom line, John was there for people, maybe it's a close friend, but it didn't matter. I'd see him stop where a guy needed to be pushed out of a snow-bank, motorists, he'd help people with their luggage - he didn't even know them - in hotels. He'd pick up trash...the guy would go across the street to pick up trash. We'd be on the golf course and he'd go in the rough to pick up trash. He was in the rough a lot, he was! And his friendship: Zach and my son played hockey on the same team and they had a state championship game in Colorado Springs. It was a big game, we were all pumped up, there were about 50 people in the audience and John stood up and sang the National Anthem. Talk about standing up in life, this guy stood up! Then we won that game as you remember, Zach and we went out to a restaurant and John didn't just buy us dinner, as he always did, he bought the whole team, all the parents and then he bought everyone in the restaurant dinner. We know that his heart was unbounded. Hal knows that, writing checks, unbounded! I remember Zach, when we had come back from some unbelievable tour, John singing in front of thousands and coming back to an elementary school in Aspen that next day and Zach was there and John was sitting in the bleachers singing to all these little kids and Zach was with Lynn, I believe, and he had this ukulele and with every song, Zach got closer and closer. Four songs into this, he was sitting right by his side with that ukulele. So, we had a loving father in John Denver, you know John struggled in this life and John had a lot of pain in this life, we all have that, but somehow John's struggle was real deep. It was as if this body that he was in and the stuff that human condition comes in, the relationships and the struggles, the human daily stuff, there was that and then there was this incredible spirit that spoke to all us when he sang and stepped forth for humans and life and there was that struggle; and that's probably why he had this fearless capacity to him that's why, probably, he is more at home now in the spirit than in the body. I know that, but I'll tell you what, no matter what story John had going on whether it was a deep personal issue, some legal battle, some mess that he had gotten himself into, he stood up for what he believed in. It never held him back. It never held him back for standing up for children, for the environment, for the hungry, for life. What an inspiration! He brought out the best in us when he did that. The best in us, I mean, there are great spirits, we have lost a lot this year, we have lost Jacques Cousteau and Mother Theresa and Princess Di and now we have lost John Denver. So there is this emptiness. Let's face it, there's an emptiness, but I know when we summon the courage to stand up for what we believe in, no matter how much stuff we've got going on, when we stand up for children or the environment or hunger or peace, we fill that space inside ourselves and I know John's spirit will sing out again and again and again." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tom Crum's Aiki Works http://www.aikiworks.com "For Tom Crum" by Karen D'Attilo I love to see the gentleness of the mountains walking in a man grace of being quietly dancing in ever warming eyes resonance of peace, knowledge flowing towards other's will to understand passive strength active love stretching potential a visible, moving energy centered beyond conflict on a focused journey... filled with spirit and smiling stories a sensei of magic and light living the moment helping to erase the distance between wrong and right _______________________________________________ Copyright October 2001 by Karen D'Attilo >From the book "In The Moment" by Karen D'Attilo ======================================= J O H N D E N V E R N O T E S ======================================= Susan Leaver Call our friends in Germany. The International John Denver Memorial Foundation is gathering status in your country. Those interested please correspond with: Gisela Van Muenfter / Hyacinth Street No. 18 / Nordhorn / Germany / 48527 * Also there are plans for an International John Denver Memorial Foundation to commence operation in Australia. Please email me for details. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On Sunday night, 29th of October 2000, in the Town Hall Theatre in Galway (IRELAND), Marc Roberts for the first time paid tribute to one of the world's greatest singer/songwriter's, John Denver. This John Denver show is a multimedia journey through his life and music and is produced by Kevin Hough. It was a box office success. Many sellout performances followed. At present a tour is being organized. http://www.marcroberts.ie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Give It Up To Love" is a new album by Cassandra Delaney that will be in stores by March 2002. On it she sings "Yellowstone, Coming Home" by John Denver. http://www.cassandramusic.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The January 2002 newsletter had an incorrect email address for Kenn Roberts. It should have been "kennroberts@erols.com" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JOHN DENVER ON THE RADIO - CORRESPONDENCE ========================================= Letter from: Susan Leaver, International John Denver Memorial Foundation New Zealand Hi everyone, As you know from my recent correspondence with you, as in other parts of the world, it has been almost impossible to get John Denver music played on radio, television stations, and the value of his music acknowledged by record companies / distributors. However, for some unknown reason a couple of weeks ago, John's previous music distributors BMG New Zealand released a New Zealand Greatest Hits Compact Disc, a collector's piece not available anywhere else in the world. I have just discovered this morning that last night one of our commercial radio stations spent an hour promoting the CD and John Denver music. It was a talk back station and people were phoning in, talking and saying they liked John's music. As the co-ordinator of the International John Denver Memorial Foundation, this is the moment I've been waiting for!! John's legacy IS living on. Susan IJDMF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jean Kendle Mishawaka, Indiana Dear Emily, I hope you will print this radio station's address in your newsletter because they have been doing a wonderful job of playing John's music. I have been requesting, begging, pleading, cajoling and bribing them for the last 4 years, and while they can't seem to play anything from the 1980's on - at least they are playing "something." I understand that this station sells its programming to about 700 stations all over the country under easy listening/golden oldies. The station should get a big THANK YOU from every JD fan just so they know there's more than one person out there who wants to hear John's music: ABC Radio Network (Re: Timeless Classics) Attn: Mr. Bud Buchart, Manager 13725 Montfort Drive Dallas, TX 75240 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ====================================== P O E T R Y C O R N E R ====================================== John's Song by Ron Matthews Never could get close enough to thank him Never got the chance to let him know someway, somehow His songs became a part of me, touched the very heart of me And the fact is, 'cept for him, I wouldn't be who I am now It seems that love was more than just a word to him It seems that peace was more than just some empty-minded dream And music was the way he tried to make us open up our eyes The fact is, in his songs he showed us how this world could be And dancing with the mountains, sailing high upon the wind He was doing what he loved to do right to the very end Believing in a better way, he showed us how to fly The singer may be silent, but the song will never die He called the earth our mother and he sang for her He called us all his brothers, every hungry child his own Some would laugh when he would say, 'we are the world, let's find a way' The fact is, he was way before his time, and stood alone But don't you know he kept on smiling through it all And don't you know he kept his guitar ready with a song And wasn't it just yesterday that "Sunshine" carried us away The fact is, he's a part of us, he never will be gone And dancing with the mountains, sailing high upon the wind He was doing what he loved to do right to the very end Believing in a better way, he showed us how to fly The singer may be silent, but the song will never die The singer may be silent, but the song will never die _____________________________________________________ Copyright 1997 by Timberway Music (ASCAP) http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/250/ron_matthews.html ================================================= JOHN DENVER W A N T A D S / F O R S A L E ================================================= Group trip to see "Almost Heaven" & John Adams Concert in Denver, Colorado: Deb Perry A bunch of us are getting group tickets on April 13, 2002 to "Almost Heaven" then going out to dinner together, then on to the John Adams Concert. Tickets to "Almost Heaven" are $32 per person ($22 for students and seniors). Checks should be sent to me and I will purchase the tickets for the group. - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor's Note: For tickets to the John Adams concert, see information in the "Events" section of the newsletter. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sheila Ridout For sale - John Denver Portrait by Drew DeMack. Selling to help the local Hospital Children's Unit. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tom Crum has a motivational tape called "Beyond the Gold". It is $10 + $3.50s/h. http://www.aikiworks.com Aiki Works Inc. / PO Box 251 / Victor, NY 14564 There is also a free complimentary email service entitled "Centering Hints", which is monthly tips, reflections, and short inspiring stories delivered by email. To subscribe write to: aikiworks@aol.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nick B. I'm offering several videos of JD ranging from concert footage, interviews, movies and more. I take trades of any JD items. All you need to do is email me for a list. Thanks, Nick - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Artist who makes exact likenesses of yourself, family, friends, pets, or favorite celebrity...John Denver! Will do JD from your favorite photo with backgrounds of your choice such as eagles or mountains, or even words of his songs. Please contact Beverly at: AmazingPortraits@aol.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wildlife Creations http://www.geocities.com/wldlifecreation has added several new items. Please come by and check them out. Your purchase helps the National Wildlife Federation, in John's name, with wolf education and the Windstar Foundation. Any questions, email us at wldlifecreation@wildmail.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The John Denver Memorial Peace Cloth Board of Directors is proud to announce "A Thread of Hope (The Peace Cloth)" - a new tribute song written and produced by Ron Rich. Ron is in the process of releasing a CD of this song which will be available exclusively at our website: www.johndenverpeacecloth.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gabi There is voting going on for the best solo performer. You can vote for John at: http://www.freevote.com/booth/centuryartist - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jim Reid Does anyone know where I can purchase the video "Big Horn"? This TV special has a very special place in my heart. Thank you. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dreamland Express Cabins & Charters Fishing charters will be available on board our new fishing vessel named "Shanghai Breezes." Lodging will be in a cabin nestled against the mountain. http://dreamlandexpress.homestead.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WWW Sites: John Denver's video "Let This Be A Voice" http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/denver/ A Tribute to John Denver http://hawkeyel.tripod.com/jdtribute.html Bytes from Beth: Our Tribute to John Denver http://www.exploremaine.com/~pikagnome/jdenver.htm "Remembering John" - from the Windstar Page http://www.wstar.org/Windstar/Org/JD/john.htm Ellen Stapenhorst http://www.home.earthlink.net/~estapenhorst/index.html ************************************************************* Rocky Mountain High: The John Denver Internet Fan Club emily@sky.net http://www.sky.net/~emily February 2002 * Issue #94 * Editor: Emily M. Parris *************************************************************