J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J O R O C K Y M O U N T A I N H I G H O H =============================================== H N The John Denver Internet Fan Club N D D E M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R E N N V N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 1 V E E R Emily Parris emily@sky.net http://www.sky.net/~emily R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents November 2001 * Issue #91 EVENT REVIEWS: C A L I F O R N I A Weekend Events in Pacific Grove, CA by Debra Sanderson...2 A S P E N, C O L O R A D O Let This Be A Voice by Mary Ledford & Pam Beasley........3 John Denver Tribute / Aspen, CO by Sunni Speigle.........4 My Trip to Aspen, CO by Bruno Philip.....................4 A U S T I N, T E X A S JD Tribute Concert / Austin, TX by Elaine Byrne..........5 P H O E N I X, A R I Z O N A John Denver Tribute / Phoenix, AZ by Alena Schrenk.......5 N E W Z E A L A N D Returning - Coming Home Event by Susan Leaver............6 John Denver Events.......................................7 Poetry Corner: "A Song for John" by Becky Barnes Elbert...............8 John Denver Notes........................................8 "Seniors Tap Their Feet To John Denver Songs" Aspen Daily News.....................................9 George Schumer Letter...................................10 John Denver Want Ads/For Sale...........................10 * * * THE CHRISTMAS GIFT will air on November 25 on Encore's Movie Plex 3:45pm ======================================== JOHN DENVER E V E N T R E V I E W S ======================================== WEEKEND EVENTS IN PACIFIC GROVE, CALIFORNIA by Debra Sanderson Last weekend's tribute activities in Pacific Grove were memorable - people had a chance to get caught up with old friends, meet new friends, and join together in remembering John Denver's life and work. We know that there were a few people who wanted to be there, but couldn't, and I want you all to know you were missed. On Friday evening, about 40-45 people met at John Denver Beach for the candlelight vigil. Lisa Gygax, Hochima Treppa and Diane Landry provided live music, and while we were not able to have a Long EZ flyover, we *did* have a flock of seagulls fly over, just at the moment of silence! The weather was gorgeous, the beach was peaceful, and the winds were calm, so that candles stayed lit for the entire memorial. It was a special day in memory of John's life and work. Channel 46 covered the event, and the reporter even stayed after her live feed to sing along, and remember John with the rest of us. The 11:00pm news did a lovely story about John Denver's fans remembering him, 4 years after his death. It was very upbeat, and positive, in contrast with the other stories in the news that day. The concert and presentation on Saturday was a huge success. First up was Kerry Zallar, who did a terrific comedy/music routine featuring impressions and impersonations of people who worked with (or knew) John Denver, including Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Louis Armstrong, Michael McDonald, Peter Cetera, Rocky and Bullwinkle and more. Many celebrities did their versions of some of John Denver's songs, including a special appearance by Kermit the Frog singing "Rocky Mountain High." George Schumer, founder of The Singing Skies Foundation, did a talk on the spirituality of John Denver's music, with the help of Hochima Treppa and Connie Poquette, who sang along with George to illustrate particular lyrics. Following the talk, George presented Singing Skies awards to the following people: Special Achievement Awards were given to Pat Hough, Jim Curry, Erma Deutschendorf, Christine Smith and Debra Chilton, while a Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Emily Parris of Kansas City, MO, in recognition of her work on the Rocky Mountain High Newsletter. During intermission, Kerry raffled off the items which had been donated by Judy Therrien, Margie Hoff, Valerie Nestrick, Connie Poquette, Connie Willens, Daniel Danbom and Quicksilver Photography, Sherrill Schoepe and others. Items ranged from eagle keyrings, to dreamcatchers, to photographs of John, to albums, cassettes, CDs, and concert posters. The special item of the night was a copy of "Alfie the Christmas Tree," donated by Starr Swindt, which was the object of a silent auction over the evening. Following the raffle and intermission, George and his friends, Doug Cook, Lisa Gygax, Hochima Treppa, Diane Landry, Shannon Collins, Dave Tyler, and Amanda, joined in a big concert/singalong that lasted about 2 hours. During the evening, a panel from the John Denver Memorial Peace Cloth was on display, and pieces of fabric and fabric pens were available so people could make their own patches to add to the project. All proceeds from the evening's activities benefited Friends of the Monarchs in Pacific Grove, Redwings Horse Sanctuary in Carmel, and The Windstar Foundation. Between the concert proceeds, raffle tickets and sweatshirt sales, we were able to raise $900.00 to split equally between the three groups! Checks were mailed out this weekend. Many thanks to John Denver's fans and friends for their extraordinary generosity during this event! <<<<< o o o >>>>> "Let This Be A Voice" - Auction 2001 - 10/13/01 by Mary Ledford and Pam Beasley We once again held our annual auction at the Mountain Chalet on October 13, 2001. We had a wonderful attendance and had to actually turn some people away. The total amount raised as $3,400 which was split between the Windstar Foundation and the Disaster Relief Fund through the American Red Cross. We were honored to be able to present the Windstar portion of the proceeds to Ron at the Open House on Sunday. He was thrilled to receive it. The check for the American Red Cross was donated in the name of Windstar in memory of John. We also had a slide show of the Greenland Climb which was also shown at the Windstar Open House. We thank Javana Richardson and her friends for this wonderful addition. A special feature of our event was the video at the end of the auction depicting the events of 9/11, with John's beautiful song "Rhymes & Reasons." For those of you who did not see the video, I will try to make that available. We would also like to thank all our performers: Mack Bailey, Joe Devlin, Mark Cormican, Frank DeLaMarre, Julie McClain, Ken Covington and Stan Milam for donating their wonderful talents. We also thank all the volunteers whose help was instrumental in allowing the auction to run smoothly and without incident. And most importantly, we thank everyone for their gracious donations. Mary and Pam <<<<< o o o >>>>> John Denver Tribute / Aspen, Colorado by Sunni Speigle I was fortunate to be in Aspen this past week to see a wonderful John Denver Tribute put on by John Adams. He is the "John Denver" of Europe and has a voice that John would be proud to have sharing his music. He does a show in Aspen every year right before or after the tribute produced by Kris O'Connor and it is every bit as delightful. He has a very professional band including some of John's former bandmates, and my very talented husband, Rusty "Hot Hands" Speigle, on percussion! It is a really wonderful show and I recommend it to any of you who go out to Aspen to enjoy the tribute time every year. When I was lucky enough to be there in the front row with Rusty's Mom, Cindy Speigle, this year, it was so powerful to see the crowd sing and sway and even stand and dance to the songs! John Sommers even came backstage after the show to compliment the band! It rocked! * * * * * * * * * My Trip to Aspen, Colorado by Bruno Philip Dear Friends, Greetings of Peace from Surrey. Well, I'm back safe and sound from Aspen, Colorado. I attended the 4th Annual John Denver Memorial events. I had a fabulous time and really enjoyed myself. I met a lot of people and made lots of new friends. I met people that I occasionally read about through the various chat lines and also the famous singers like Mack Bailey, Jim Salestrom, Frank De La Marre, John Adams, Mark Cormican and Ron Rich. I got to meet Annie and speak to her a few times. She was quite friendly and chatty. On Friday morning, October 12th, I went to the Great Divide Music store in Aspen to check out all the really high end guitars. I met the owner and asked to play a few guitars. He let me try some and I saw pictures of John Sommers on the wall. That triggered some conversations about JD and his band. Moments later, he handed me JD's guitar and let me play it for 15 minutes. He then told me that the guitar was brought in that morning to be restrung and polished to be placed on the stage for the three concerts at the Wheeler Opera House. I mentioned that I wished I had my camera and he said the guitar would be there till 3:00pm and that I could come back and take photos with it. So I did that. This was a really pleasant surprise for me. This is the guitar that sold for US $55,000 a couple of years ago to a stock broker. This guy didn't want the guitar to leave Aspen. I sat and played "Rocky Mountain High", "Boy From the Country", "My Sweet Lady" and a few others. John was probably smiling from heaven. This was a real treat for me and I think this experience alone was worth the drive to Aspen. * * * JOHN DENVER TRIBUTE CONCERT - Austin, Texas by Elaine Byrne Since Brian and I couldn't make it to Aspen this year, we were eagerly looking forward to having the Musical Tribute to John Denver come to us here in Austin, Texas. Ken Roberts was convinced to bring the show to the "Third Coast Music Capitol" in support of the Texas Chapter for Cystic Fibrosis. The venue was a new facility, appropriately named One World Theater. "Technologically advanced and 'green-built,' the theatre is softly nestled in the hills of West Austin. Resembling a Tuscan villa...the very intimate setting elegantly accommodates the performer's artistry and a rapt audience of only 300...." It's stated objective is "to foster an understanding of people and cultures different from our own." John would have been very pleased! The evening was a huge success, beginning with cocktails and a wonderful buffet dinner. It was a great opportunity to visit with old and new JD friends. The concert featured the same Aspen musicians, plus the addition of Texas recording artist Tracy Byrd. Tracy grew up on John's music, he told us, and proceeded to prove it by singing three numbers just as John recorded them: MATTHEW, BACK HOME AGAIN, AND GRANDMA'S FEATHER BED. He also joined the other vocalists on a couple of group songs and performed one song from his new album. Chris Nole's improvisation accompaniment to John's singing of FOR YOU created a total rapt silence in the theater. Great job, Chris! Pete's solos on Tracy's one album song sounded like he'd played it many times, not for the first time just two hours before the concert! Pete is so fantastically talented! The intimate setting made each of us feel like the concert was a private performance! Performing to a packed house, the band seemed to enjoy themselves, too, and we hope to have them back again next year. The only things Brian and I missed were the cool weather and mountain majesty of the Aspen area. And, of course, heading over to the Limelight to play more John Denver songs with friends. * * * John Denver Tribute in PHOENIX, ARIZONA by Alana Schrenk On Friday, October 12, at Papago Park near the Phoenix Zoo, the Arizona Windstar Connection hosted a tribute to John Denver. The program was held outdoors at Center State and included performers Cameo Hill, Ted Newman and Ron Ryan, David Ross and Cindi Martin and Alana Schrenk. The evening was beautiful with a backdrop of the lagoon, and the tree that was planted in honor of John Denver last year. Many of John's songs were performed throughout the evening and we were joined by about 75 fans. Many thanks to all who came to listen! * * * "RETURNING - COMING HOME EVENT": Introducing the legacy of John Denver to the people of the central North Island of New Zealand by Susan Leaver The event was held 13-14 October at the Taupo-nui-a-tia College Marae-representing the tribal home of the New Zealand native Maori tribal people. SATURDAY 13 OCTOBER Susan Leaver, co-ordinator of the International John Denver Memorial Foundation, its philosophy, and purpose, aided by video clips from the "Wildlife Concert," the songs being "Amazon" and "Calypso." Said one of the Maori people present "that John Denver must be a Maori, he's just like us, he's concerned about the trees, the rivers, the children." FIRST GUEST SPEAKER was Reverend Graeme Johnson, District President of the New Thought Alliance. He spoke of "coming home" to ourselves, and encouraged us to making an even greater commitment to being our best selves. SECOND GUEST SPEAKER was Nola Edmonds, Maori Warden, and investigator for Parentline Incorporated. She shared with much passion the commitment of her group to track down, eradicate child abuse, and end the apathy that exists towards this social ill. She was a lady with a fire in her heart and a light in her eyes. At the end of her presentation those present threw money her way to aid the cause. Her passioned plea was "take the time to care !!" THIRD GUEST SPEAKER was Meriana Taputu, Maori language teacher of the college. She and her family members have a vision of breaking the cycle of generations of unemployment in their tribe by creating a 10 hour walk through the wilderness, to revive the spirit of those who participate. FOURTH SPEAKER was Ang Jolly, executive director of the Tongariro mountain natural history society. Ang shared on how her organization relies heavily on volunteers and she is heartened by many people approaching her, 'Wanting to make the difference.' "Our musical videos for the evening were "John Denver in concert in Sydney, Australia, 1977" and "Montana, Christmas skies." SUNDAY 14 OCTOBER The day began early with an outdoor memorial service for John on the edge of Lake Taupo. This lake is the largest in the southern hemisphere. In the background, on a clear day are the mountains of Ruapehu, and Tongariro. Snow capped, they are really awe inspiring. No wonder John chose to take private trips to this part of the world. For this service, people traveled at 4.30am, from a place named Wanganui, southwest of here. To set the scene we began by listening to "In a faraway land." Followed by a sharing of what John and his message meant to us. A new friend, from the Taupo district confessed his wife had died of cancer last December and John's music helped him accept and deal with his own feelings of grief. One of our new friends from Wanganui, a lass under 25, shared that in a hard time three years ago, John's music really helped her through it. Next, with "Wandering Soul" playing we expressed our feelings for John by creating a collage of flowers, and some participants were blessed by gently throwing the flowers one by one into the lake. To conclude our memorial time we listened to the address of Doctor Roger Teel of the Mile-Hi Church of Religious Science, Denver, Colorado, at a special tribute event in 1998. Doctor Teel had previously been chosen by John, to marry him and Cassie Delaney. THE GUEST SPEAKER for the morning was Mr Chris Freeman of "Future Pace" Tauranga (two hours northeast of Taupo). Chris is a professional Life Coach and had experience in this field in Winter park, Colorado. Chris's topic was "Making the difference. "He expressed a deep compassion for people and their struggles, and explained how that the role of the Life Coach can aid a persons spiritual growth. Chris is a man with a passion for "connection." He repeatedly aired, without realizing a phrase from the movie "Oh God" - "we are meant to be here for each other, not against each other. "He finished his address by quoting "the Eagle and the Hawk, "All that we can be, not what we are." To finish the morning we watched "Let this be a voice" the acknowledgement to John's commitment to the environment. This weekend people came to us saying "I love him, I'm so glad he is being represented - asking how they can acquire his music and videos. It's our campaign they become freely available in this country. (In the meantime we import from mainly the States). The International John Denver Memorial Foundation will continue to be "A voice " for the entire legacy of John Denver. Susan Leaver International John Denver Memorial Foundation ======================================= J O H N D E N V E R E V E N T S ======================================= November 3, 2001 * Georgetown, TX - John Adams Benefit Concert for the Rocketship Earth Foundation. Palace Theatre 7:30pm $40.00 877-834-1318 http://www.rocketshipearth.org November 3, 2001 * Altadena, CA - Steve & Ellen Stapenhorst / The Coffee Gallery Backstage, 2029 N. Lake 626-398-7917 8:00pm Tickets $8.00 Special Guest: B.C. Cameron November 24, 2001 * Doylestown, PA / Third Annual Saturday After Thanksgiving Evening of Campfire Songs w/Charlie Zahm Salem United Church of Christ 7:30pm Also featured are Tad Marks on fiddle, Steve Hobson on lead guitar and Mark Sullivan on percussion. Tickets $8 November 25, 2001 * THE CHRISTMAS GIFT -Christmas movie starring John that was filmed in Georgetown, CO (1986) 3:45pm PLEX - Encore's Movie Plex March 21, 2002 - April 27, 2002 * Denver, CO * World Premiere of a new musical by Peter Glazer "Almost Heaven" / A Denver Center World Premiere April 13, 2002 * Arvada, CO / Pomona High School / John Adams benefit concert for the Front Range Center for Assault Prevention-Child Assault Prevention Project / Tickets $20 303-266-9019 More info: Feather http://www.geocities.com/childassaultprevention ====================================== P O E T R Y C O R N E R ====================================== "A Song for John" by Becky Barnes Elbert Cascading waterfalls call through the canyons, Wind in the winter pines whispers the word. Christ is alive and He lives here among us, He sent us a messenger whose voice could be heard. Heard in his sonnets of Sunshine on Shoulders, Poems, Prayers, and Promises, lessons of love, Protecting our planet and all of its creatures, Helping each other with help from above. He traveled the world singing peace to all nations, His voice is now silent, but his song never ends, Some called him "Dreamer" and some called him "Hero," I never met him, but I call him "Friend." Life's Country Road is a gift from the Maker A journey to travel with family and friends, We all have a purpose, a Rhyme and a Reason, As we take the scenic way Back Home Again. We're all taking the scenic way Back Home Again. ________________________________________________________ Copyright 1991 by Becky Barnes Elbert ======================================= J O H N D E N V E R N O T E S ======================================= Dear JD fans, the John Denver Guitar Page (maintained by Fabio Zucca) with more than 280 songs along with guitar chords, has moved. The new address is: http://fabiozucca.interfree.it/songs/gestsong.html Fabio Zucca - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B.J. Haussler For anyone who wishes to send an ornament for the John Denver trees LETTER DAY Weekend in Georgetown, Colorado, please send to: Georgetown Administration Office Phyllis Mehrer / 404 6th Street / P. O. Box 426 Georgetown, CO 80444 Size of ornament to be not larger than 10"x10". - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Emily On the October 28 "Halloween" edition of The Weakest Link on NBC they had a John Denver question: "What author of Rocky Mountain High was born Henry John Deutschendorf?" The contestant got it right answering... "John Denver?" in a quizzical tone of voice. :-) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - The HGTV (Home and Garden Television) program "Secret Gardens" featured the John Denver Sanctuary in Aspen, Colorado on October 21, 2001. Text from the program: "In this episode, we visit four secret gardens in Aspen, Colorado. Nestled into a park near the center of town, the John Denver Sanctuary celebrates the life of singer John Denver. A winding path leads to a mystical Zen garden. Big boulders are inscribed with lyrics from Denver's songs, and a field of rounded stones represents musical notes." In the program Annie Denver and others make comments about John's life and career. HGTV: http://www.hgtv.com or http://www.geocities.com/aspenkate4/johndenver64.html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SENIORS TAP THEIR FEET TO JOHN DENVER SONGS John Denver Singers Come to Aspen by Steve Amendo Aspen Daily News 10/13/01 John Denver's presence reached out to the seniors of Pitkin County Senior Services on Friday. As they ate lunch, familiar songs by the late singer resonated through the air. Some set aside their plates to tap their feet and sing along with the World Family of John Denver Singers. The World Family of John Denver Singers, established by singer/songwriter Melanie Trondson of Montrose, arrived in Aspen for the 4th Annual Tribute to John Denver. Wanting to give something back to the community that houses this great event, the singers headed to Pitkin County Senior Services for the second year in a row to sing some of their favorite John Denver songs. The group didn't only come toting instruments and singing songs, they also presented the seniors with a framed picture of Denver, a DVD player and a few CDs to go along with it. "I think it's just wonderful", said Marge Sterling, a resident of Pitkin County Senior Services and an avid fan of Denver's music. I like "Rocky Mountain High." According to group member Maria Woytko, "I think they (the seniors) like having the entertainment." The World Family of John Denver Singers performed for about 40 minutes providing the seniors with songs such as "Country Roads," "Sweet Surrender" and "Today." Some of the group's members showed up well before the performance to speak and interact with the seniors. Fay Ward, a program coordinator, was thankful that the group came to spend time with seniors. "I think the seniors are pleased that all these people want to sing for them," said Ward. Everyone involved was pleased with the day's events. Ames was happy that Denver's songs were sung because most of the seniors know and enjoy his music. "Everybody knows these songs," Ames said. <<<<< * * * >>>>> 10/15/2001 Hey, Emily! Just wanted you to know you were announced as the 2001 winner of the Singing Skies Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award (the big one) at the Monterey John Denver gathering this past weekend. Congratulations! We will be sending a small token of appreciation via snail mail, but I wanted you to know that everyone was in complete agreement with your selection. I also wanted to thank you personally and congratulate you. Indeed, Rocky Mountain High newsletter and your web site are both vital and invaluable additions to John's legacy. Keep up the good work!! Singing Skies to you... George Schumer Founder, Singing Skies Foundation Richmond, CA ================================================= JOHN DENVER W A N T A D S / F O R S A L E ================================================= Donna Young The double-CD "A Tribute to John Denver" Wheeler Opera House is now available for sale. It is the "live" Oct 14 & 15, 2000 concerts. The price is $25.00 + $2.50s/h payable to: "A Musical Tribute to John Denver, 827 Coachway, Annapolis, MD 21401 Muse Foundation: 888-384-5054 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wayne I'm interested in purchasing copies of John's music songbooks. If you have any items you'd like to sell please let me know. Thanks, Wayne - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - David Edwards I would like to buy any live John Denver videos (VHS) especially "An Evening With John Denver"; and "Live in London" (BBC in the late 70's). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Karen D'Attilo has a book of poems out called "IN THE MOMENT" which includes some John Denver poems. It is $12 including postage. Karen D'Attilo / Box 557 / Pinecliffe, CO 80471 Email: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gabriele I'm looking for the "Take Me Home" Biography. Is there any chance to buy it second-hand from one of the fan club members who is selling his collection? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WWW SITES of Interest: Fabio Zucca's Guitar Chord Page: http://fabiozucca.interfree.it/songs/gestsong.html IAT's Cyber Idea Cookbook http://people.ne.mediaone.net/tybrenn/iat/ideasample.html John Denver Midi Music http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JohnDenverMidiMusic Vote for John Denver at... http://www.etonline.com/html/etweekend/enter_1017.htm Ron Matthews - John Denver Tribute song - "John's Song" http://www.ronmatthews.net ************************************************************* Rocky Mountain High: The John Denver Internet Fan Club emily@sky.net http://www.sky.net/~emily November 2001 * Issue #91 * Editor: Emily M. Parris *************************************************************