Information about est (Erhard Seminars Training) ========================== from Kathy Diemer Question: I've heard about this est...does anyone know what it is? Answer: est was the acronym for Erhard Seminars Training. I believe it is still around by another name, in a slightly different format. It was one of the more popular of the "self-realization" move- ments. Being an est grad myself, I look back on it now as being "hammer Zen"...that is to say, many of the "ah-ha!" feelings and ideas that come through a lengthy Zen practice, distilled into two weekends of intense "training". It consisted of harangues by the trainer (intended to get you off of your personal BS sob story that runs your life when your life isn't working), group "sharing" (taking the microphone and talking about something you experienced), and guided meditations. It was founded by Werner Erhard, a former insurance salesman who got into the human potential movement. Those of us who remember the 70s recall the "horror stories" about est...that they would lock you in a room for 2 days and not let you pee. Totally untrue! I did not like a lot of the marketing tactics once one had completed The Training, to say the least. But The Training itself was very valuable to me in my searching. ------------------------------------------------- More information on est from Ilena Rose: Est is now called "The Forum" and the basic philosophy is pretty similar tho with less stringent tactics. One of the greatest lessons taught is taking responsibility - full tilt boogie responsibility - for all that happens in our lives. God bless JD.